W. Blum: Let me explain to you the basic features of the brutal, anti-human US foreign policy
Drive countries with commodity into dependency-inducing debt via loans for contracts to US companies
"Fix the country, fix the world!" Let`s Fix our countries and our world! Awakening in Ghana
W.Blum(USA): The immediate grounds for their terrorism is often retaliation for an action of the USA
How to eliminate the causes of flight: We can use the concrete proposals of the expert commission
Folly of Backing France’s African Adventures: Hope for a bailout for collapsing campaign in saheln
USA does not accept self-determination of smaller states. They kill the people they claim to help
Let´s find ways to end the war on terrorism - how can we form an international network for it?
Clinton: We deliberately helped bring extremist Wahabism to Asia - from there it spread worldwide
Human, economic and political costs of US-decision to respond to 9/11 attacks with military force
US "security assistance" against terror does not reduce instability and violence, but promotes it
US politician Ron Paul: The Afghanistan-war was and is welfare for the US rich
The West provokes world war - let's oppose it before it's too late: what to do?
The threat of nuclear war and climate destruction endanger the habitability of the earth. What to do
Western elites never accepted the independence of their colonies, today they destabilise
US-Africom Stuttgart: Looking for pretexts to enforce US interests by military means in Africa.
“He Was a Disaster”: Ret. Col. Andrew Bacevich on Donald Rumsfeld’s Legacy as Architect of Iraq War
Attorney: U.S. Case Against Julian Assange Falls Apart, as Key Witness Says He Lied to Get Immunity
Let us commit ourselves sustainably to a just peace between Israelis and Palestinians