
Wolfgang Lieberknecht
26. Dez. 20230 Min. Lesezeit
9 Ansichten
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Wolfgang Lieberknecht
26. Dez. 20231 Min. Lesezeit
Fanon - Les damnés de la terre. Lessons from a Not So Dying Colonialism. Aimé Césaire: les origines coloniales du fascisme.
Un grand classique de la pensée anticoloniale dans lequel Fanon analyse notamment la violence comme concept et pratique de libération...
20 Ansichten
0 Kommentare

Wolfgang Lieberknecht
25. Dez. 202333 Min. Lesezeit
Scott Ritter: Israel cannot defeat Hamas, the USA cannot defeat the Houthis. Israelis can only kill Palestinians. USA would rather risk a world economic crisis by blocking the Red Sea than stop Israel
William Scott Ritter, Jr. (born 15 July 1961) is a former US officer who became known in his role as United Nations inspector for the...
8 Ansichten
0 Kommentare

Wolfgang Lieberknecht
25. Dez. 20231 Min. Lesezeit
Jesus would be born today under the rubble of a house destroyed by the Israelis with US bombs! Message from a sermon in Bethlehem, the birthplace of the humanist prophet
or on the street in the West Bank, which Israel occupies in violation of international law or on the street in the West Bank, which...
15 Ansichten
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Wolfgang Lieberknecht
25. Dez. 202321 Min. Lesezeit
Risks & opportunities in our complex world: The globally networked & anti-imperial UN employee, Jeffrey Sachs, helps our one human family to find ways out of our multiple crisis!
There are many details in the interview that require a lot of knowledge. You can look them up, but even without that, everyone can...
31 Ansichten
0 Kommentare

Wolfgang Lieberknecht
23. Dez. 20231 Min. Lesezeit
US aircraft carriers warn: If you want to stop Israel's mass murder, it will look like it does now in Gaza: The question facing our human family is: How do we disarm the US-empire?
What are your, our answers? Abolishing the veto of the imaginary superpower as heir (and partner) of the European empires is necessary,...
8 Ansichten
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Wolfgang Lieberknecht
23. Dez. 20231 Min. Lesezeit
We need an institution with which our one human family can ensure a dignified life for all family members, and the massacre in Gaza shows that we need to reform the UN to achieve this!
We must work out the political will for this and the concrete proposals for the necessary reform in our respective countries and in an...
4 Ansichten
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Wolfgang Lieberknecht
23. Dez. 20232 Min. Lesezeit
A majority in Israel sees itself as a chosen nation. They therefore believe they can do anything they want & organise "one of the most intensive civilian punishment campaigns in history".
And the politicians of the other nation that sees itself as a special and privileged nation, the United States, make sure that they can...
8 Ansichten
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Wolfgang Lieberknecht
5. Okt. 20235 Min. Lesezeit
Alternatives to nationalism: Majorities in 15 countries support world parliament & world law
On average, 60% of respondents tended to support "the creation of a new global parliament representing every country in the world, where...
3 Ansichten
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Wolfgang Lieberknecht
4. Okt. 20230 Min. Lesezeit
4 Ansichten
0 Kommentare

Wolfgang Lieberknecht
3. Okt. 20230 Min. Lesezeit
5 Ansichten
0 Kommentare

Wolfgang Lieberknecht
3. Okt. 20230 Min. Lesezeit
4 Ansichten
0 Kommentare

Wolfgang Lieberknecht
2. Okt. 20230 Min. Lesezeit
2 Ansichten
0 Kommentare

Wolfgang Lieberknecht
30. Sept. 20230 Min. Lesezeit
7 Ansichten
0 Kommentare

Wolfgang Lieberknecht
29. Sept. 20230 Min. Lesezeit
9 Ansichten
0 Kommentare

Wolfgang Lieberknecht
27. Sept. 20233 Min. Lesezeit
The Failing Civilization or the end of the global capital-driven megamachine of the last 500 years
The End of the Megamachine A Brief History of a Failing Civilization Spanning 5000 years of history, The End of the Megamachine provides...
4 Ansichten
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Wolfgang Lieberknecht
27. Sept. 20236 Min. Lesezeit
PopularResistance: Two-pronged approach of resistance&creation: reports from USA&all over the world
Be the people's resistance media! Spread Daily Movement News Digest Popular Resistance Daily Digest ( Be the people's...
22 Ansichten
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Wolfgang Lieberknecht
27. Sept. 20231 Min. Lesezeit
Do not rely on politicians alone. Every citizen must contribute to improvements. Okyeame Kwame
DORCAS AGAMBILA September 26, 2023 3:30 PM Renowned Ghanaian musician Okyeame Kwame says fixing a nation starts with the self-improvement...
6 Ansichten
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Wolfgang Lieberknecht
26. Sept. 20231 Min. Lesezeit
Afrika muss sich selbst ernähren,um unabhängig zu werden!Wir müssen verbrauchen, was wir produzieren
Africa must Feed herself! The road to fully Independence | Africa Must consume what she produce
7 Ansichten
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Wolfgang Lieberknecht
25. Sept. 20231 Min. Lesezeit
NATO’s Fascist Inheritance & the Long War On the Third World, w/ Pawel Wargan
Pawel Wargan holds the Bachelor of Civil Law from the University of Oxford and works as a lawyer in London.
28 Ansichten
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