We need cooperation with them to build our common future as "One Human Family" with a life without fear hardship for all.
As part of our planned campaign Fix our Contries, Fix our World: For a World without Fear and Hardship for All, we are looking for discussion to
Fix German, European and Western foreign policy and foreign relations.
According to the principles of the UN Charter, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the UN Social Pact and UN Civil Pact.
We propose to launch two campaigns:

China and Russia are not our enemies!
We need cooperation with them to build our common future as one Human Family with a life without fear hardship for all.
What do you think? Do you want to network with us
- to work for the implementation of a new policy of détente against the violent domination policy of the dominant forces of the US-led West against China and Russia.
Recording of our workshop: Report about the IFFW-Workshop: How to work for peace in time of hard global confrontation (internationale-friedensfabrik-wanfried.org)

Muslims are not our enemies!
We need cooperation with Muslims to build our common future as "One Human Family" with a life without fear hardship for all. Only together will we be able to end the terrorist war on terrorism and terrorism.
What do you think about this? Do you want to network with us
- to commit ourselves to ending the self-terrorist, pro-terrorist "war on terror".
Tomorrow, Sunday, 6 p.m., MEZ: Webinar: After Afghanistan debacle, NATO countries continue "war on terror" in violation of international law (internationale-friedensfabrik-wanfried.org)
Get in touch if you want to help build the network: internationale-friedensfabrik-wanfried.org - 0176-43773328
Wolfgang Lieberknecht