Die schwarze Elite und das Vermächtnis von Martin Luther King: US-Aktivist Glen Ford starb in 2021Wolfgang Lieberknecht8. Dez. 20211 Min. Lesezeitmehr über Glen Ford: Oppose the US-New-Cold-War against China (internationale-friedensfabrik-wanfried.org)Glen Ford: In Memoriam: He died in 2021: He stood for the Return to Black-Led Grassroots Politics (internationale-friedensfabrik-wanfried.org)
mehr über Glen Ford: Oppose the US-New-Cold-War against China (internationale-friedensfabrik-wanfried.org)Glen Ford: In Memoriam: He died in 2021: He stood for the Return to Black-Led Grassroots Politics (internationale-friedensfabrik-wanfried.org)
Ukrainian men are hunted across the country by Zelensky's "recruitment officers". The majority of Ukrainians want negotiations. Their women are protesting against the abduction of their sons &husbands
Prof. Jeffrey Sachs: The Real History of the War in Ukraine: a Chronology of Events and Case for Diplomacy
Selenskyj has already tried to provoke a world war: he falsely claimed that Russian missiles had hit Poland, which is Nato territory. Security guarantees can be abused