SUNDAY, APRIL 9, 2023 FROM 14:00 TO 16:00
in the middle of Germany and Europe on the former East-West-Border
Train station Großburschla
Event organized by Wolfgang Lieberknecht and Let`s fix our countries! Let`s fix our world!
Train station Großburschla
Read more about COVID-19 guidelines
Running time: 2 hrs.
Public - Everyone on and off Facebook

In 1990, we decided in the Charter of Paris to build a common European House with Russia. Now the Ukrainian room is on fire. People are burning. The fire threatens to spread. To other European countries, perhaps to the world: as humanity, we are threatened with escalation to world and nuclear war. The war in Ukraine costs daily the life or the health of many people, the fathers, children and brothers and sisters. It drives more and more people in Ukraine, in Russia, in Germany, Europe and worldwide into existential insecurity and poverty. Not only Putin is responsible for this war, but also the West and especially the USA and the Ukrainian government. They have all failed to resolve the conflicts between NATO and Russia and in Ukraine by peaceful means. That would have been their obligation under the UN Charter. We want to remind them of this obligation with a peace walk on Easter Sunday. We want to demand from the politicians measures for a quick end of the war in Ukraine and an immediate ceasefire to stop the dying. We will meet for this purpose on the Hessian-Thuringian border in the middle of Germany in Großburschla.

The place was divided into two states until 1989: GDR and FRG and military alliances: NATO and WARSAW PACT. This border could be overcome peacefully in 1989, mainly and almost exclusively thanks to a reorientation of the policy in the Soviet Union. by Gorbachev. With our walk we want to remind that conflicts can be solved by peaceful means. We invite people from East and West to join us, if possible also from other countries. In the Peace Factory we also have some sleeping places for people who want to participate from other regions.
We already wanted to organize a meeting with the same goals last year at the same place. The escalation of the war had made that impossible. With the now catching up meetings this year we want to show: We are not giving up on continuing to build a common European house. What should the house look like? It has already been agreed internationally in the Charter of Paris Paris Charter - Wikipedia, which was agreed during Gorbachev's reign.

We demand to implement it now and appeal to the people in Europe to make sure that this happens. With the peace walk we also want to remember the courageous policy of Michael Gorbachev and Egon Bahr, Willy Brandt's partner in shaping the policy of détente. He was born in Treffurt, to which Großburschla now belongs. We are trying to make online participation possible as well, but cannot promise it yet.
Please contact: info@internationale-friedensfabrik-wanfried.org, 004917643773328, i.A. Wolfgang Lieberknecht
Facebookevent: PeaceWalk for ceasefire, negotiations and the construction of the European House. | Facebook
