Videos show the brutal torture and killing of the man who united Africa to end Western exploitation and initiated the African Union. They also show the jubilation of the then US Secretary of State, Clinton, who with French President Szarkozy and British Prime Minister Cameron were the main drivers for the war, but for which ultimately the "beacon of hope for many Africans" US President Obama then also bears responsibility.
The speech at the UN, in which he proved point by point that the Western powers permanently violate international law and human rights; violations that they accuse others of and then punish with sanctions and interventions.

from religious and Christian-selling US America celebrates his death as liberation, in fact it was the prelude to death, suffering, war and decline in Libya that continues to this day.

to the video:
Clinton's jubilation over the death of Gaddafi, which she (justifiably) attributes to her power. And this shows very well the brutal quality of this power.

to the video:
With the fall of Gaddafi, NATO imposed radically worse living conditions in Libya (
Fall in the UN ranking of living conditions from 53rd to 105th place since 2010. In the years before, under Gaddafi's government, living conditions had steadily improved and reached the level of some European countries. Gaddafi had used the revenues from oil exports to develop the country and unite the African continent, supporting Nelson Mandela and the ANC against the West, for example.
Let's listen to the Libyan on living conditions during Gaddafi's time: 80 % regret his fall. A Libyan who lives in Germany but has good connections in the country tells me that 80 per cent of Libyans regret Gaddafi's fall. Another explained: Whatever the purpose of the intervention, it was certainly not to help the Libyans. For many of us in the West, this does not fit into the picture we have gained from the media. Who has been to Libya or knows Libyans. And our media unfortunately function as propaganda instruments to enforce the powers that be in the West: if a country does not submit to their interests, it is badmouthed, often the political leadership is described as a second Hitler. Whoever is against Hitler must also be against the respective enemy figure. In this way, the population is prepared to support or at least accept a war of aggression against the respective country. Here is the opinion of a Libyan woman. Let us take what has been said as an opportunity to become more critical. What she confirms are the UNDP figures. The UN agency examines living conditions in different states worldwide and puts them in a table: According to this, during Gaddafi's reign, living conditions in Libya improved to the extent that they were on a par with some European states. Maternal mortality was no higher than in Europe. After NATO's ostensible liberation of the people, the country not only descended into war and violence, the standard of living deteriorated radically. In the UNDP ranking, the country fell 50 places.
UNDP clearly shows that the NATO intervention in 2011 has led to a radical deterioration of living conditions in Libya. Index der menschlichen

Human Development Index
The HDI is a summary measure for assessing long-term progress in three basic dimensions of human development: a long and healthy life, access to knowledge and a decent standard of living. Libya's HDI score for 2021 is 0.718 - putting the country in the "high human development" category and ranking it 104th out of 191 countries and territories.
Between 1990 and 2021, Libya's HDI value changed from 0.666 to 0.718, a change of 7.8 percent.
Specific country data | Human Development Reports (
This was the 2011 rank in the list of countries before NATO removed Gaddafi, just behind Serbia, just ahead of Russia.

HDR2011-Summary.indd (
In 2010, the last full year under Gaddafi, the country even reached 53rd place and was classified as a state with high human development:

In 2020, nine years after NATO "liberated" the country, it has dropped more than 50 places, from 53rd to 105th.
