A non-partisan grassroots initiative has formed in Ghana. It has given itself the strong and meaningful name "Fix the country!". It raises the everyday problems of the "little people" and brings them into the public discussion and calls on politicians to find solutions. It also works out alternatives itself. As the world in all countries leaves less and less opportunities for the "little people", does not make their problems an issue for the most part, and on the other hand, the wealthy are getting richer and richer, we think "Fix the country" is necessary for countries all over the world. From country to country, we can learn with and from each other how to fix countries. In addition, we can join forces supranationally to solve common global problems, such as climate destruction, peace, etc., in order to put the world in order and build up the "Fix the world" network for this purpose. This is also being thought about elsewhere. We take up the idea and propose to do the same as the Ghanaians and to network internationally in order to also be able to solve the problems that can only be solved together worldwide.
Fix our countries and fix our world: Let us fix our countries! Let us fix our world!
Our proposal from the International PeaceFactory Wanfried:
What we should and can demand from politics.
Many of us do not live in humane living conditions. But living in dignity is our human right. In the UN Charter, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the UN Social Covenant and the UN Civil Covenant, states have agreed in international law to ensure this (links below). According to these, we have, among other things, a right to work, food security, education, health care, social security, freedom of expression, organisation and information, and a right to peace and justice. The states have promised to adopt measures in their country to ensure that everyone gets these rights. They have also promised us to support each other in solidarity worldwide so that everyone gets these rights. These rights are also mentioned in the model of the Civilisational Hexagon as conditions for a sustainable development of states.
So far, people in no state in the world have these rights, at most minorities in the poor states and not all people in the rich states. Inequality and injustice are growing in all states: minorities of privileged people use their power to organise our countries and the world only for their interests, not for all. But this is against the spirit of the UN Charter and the Declaration of Human Rights. It is also not a good basis for securing or creating peace.
In Ghana, people have now founded the grassroots movement "Fix the country". It is not against any particular political party. Nor does it support any particular party. It raises people's problems and demands action from politicians to fix them. It is also developing its own proposals on what action can be taken.
We propose:
1. to critically accompany the "Fix the country" movement in Ghana and learn from and with them how to fix the country.
2. to build up such grassroots democratic movements in other countries: Countries that are ordered in the sense of human rights are the foundation stones for a peaceful world.
3. Create non-partisan forums in the constituencies and work with the citizens of the constituency to identify the problems and seek dialogue on possible solutions with the representatives in the parliaments, at local, national and continental level.
4. The living conditions in the country as well as the external relations with other countries must be put in order.
5. since problems such as climate change, the fight against pandemics, peace and global justice or the extinction of species can only be achieved through worldwide cooperation, country movements should unite to form continental movements - Fix the continent - and a global movement "Fix the world".
6. look for like-minded people at the respective levels and start networking.
If you want to join us in Germany and in and from other countries, please write to us, make the idea known and build networks for it: info@internationale-friedensfabrik-wanfried.org. Phone: 05655924981, 017643773328
We are doing a brain-storming event about ZOOM on Sunday, 28.8. 7pm, for those interested, via this link from the PeaceFactory: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/3216854044
UN-Chater: https://www.un.org/en/about-us/un-charter
Universal Declaration of Human Rights:
International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
Adopted and opened for signature, ratification and accession by General Assembly resolution 2200A (XXI) of 16 December 1966 entry into force 3 January 1976, in accordance with article 27
International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights
Adopted and opened for signature, ratification and accession by General Assembly resolution 2200A (XXI) of 16 December 1966 entry into force 23 March 1976, in accordance with Article 49 https://www.ohchr.org/en/professionalinterest/pages/ccpr.aspx
Orientation-model: The Civilisatory Hexagon