We want that we as mankind in our individual states and between our states solve all conflicts not with violence and war, but only with peaceful means. This principle was agreed upon in the UN Charter after the Second World War in a way that is binding under international law, but is still not observed today. With the organization of the International PeaceFactory Wanfried, we want to strengthen capacities that can help to resolve conflicts peacefully before they escalate. We see the following areas of conflict:
1.) Defuse conflicts between the major powers and promote mutually agreeable negotiated solutions between them, thus helping to prevent a world war or even nuclear war and to stop the arms spiral.
Advance the development of the UN as a transnational peace organization and gradually turn it into a common democratic institution for solving the problems of mankind with equal participation of all world citizens.
2) To this end, struggle for fair foreign relations of our respective state with the other states, so that it respects their interests as equal (treats them as it would like to be treated by them). Promoting equal rights for all states - and especially those of the Global South - (but also between states in the Global South and in the Global North) and overcoming the still lingering structures of colonial and neo-colonial and imperial subjugation.

3) States that have internal peace are the building blocks for world peace. The conditions for inner peace in states are modelled in the Civilizational Hexagon: The state's monopoly on the use of force, its containment by the rule of law, democratic participation, social justice, awareness of interdependence, and a culture of peaceful conflict resolution. It can be used well as an orientation for the work for Inner Peace. We can learn from each other worldwide how to work out the conditions for peace in our states and see if and how we can support each other in this. On the social question, we can refer directly to Articles 55 and 56 of the UN Charter and the UN Social Covenant. Covenant. (1)
4) To network socially and politically as forces that (want to) think and act globally responsible in the sense of the concept of the "one human family" to cope with global challenges, such as for the reduction of climate change, hunger, lack of perspective (also as a ground for extremism and violence) or poverty.
5) Local and regional networking to promote a culture of solidarity and global responsibility in our regions and beyond in the constituency. From this social basis, organize the - above all also public - dialogue with the respective representatives in the parliaments. The goal: to support or demand decisions in the parliaments and to oppose bad decisions. Through this way of democratizing the "big questions" through direct citizen participation in the constituencies, contribute to peace-promoting, not elite-egoistic and national-egoistic measures, but to socially and globally responsible political decisions.
6.) Sharing to learn together about how to manage our own inner conflicts as personalities on the way to becoming coherent peace-capable and peace-promoting personalities.
7.) Joint work on a peaceful, democratic, solidary, self-determined culture in the team of the International PeaceFactory and in the networks in which and with which we are jointly engaged.
(1) A paper, that uses the Civilizational Hexagon to analys the develpments in Sub-Sahara-Africa: Wogene Berhanu Mena Civilizational hexagon as a pathway to conflict management : examining its application in Sub-Saharan Africa in the post-cold war era (uni-potsdam.de)
Text in Deutsch (German): https://www.internationale-friedensfabrik-wanfried.org/post/vorschlag-zur-diskussion-m%C3%B6glicher-aufgaben-f%C3%BCr-die-internationalen-friedensfabrik-wanfried