William Scott Ritter, Jr. (born 15 July 1961) is a former US officer who became known in his role as United Nations inspector for the UNSCOM mission in Iraq and became known to a wider public, especially during the era of US President George W. Bush, for his harsh criticism of US policy. Among other things, he has now confirmed the Iraqi government's suspicions that the CIA is trying to use the UNSCOM mission for espionage purposes. On the question of whether Iraq posed a threat from weapons of mass destruction, he contradicted the positions of the Bush administration before the Iraq war, which were based on CIA reports. In 2004, the Iraq Survey Group commissioned by the armed forces of the "Coalition of the Willing" confirmed Ritter's assessment that Iraq did not possess the weapons of mass destruction cited as a reason for war. https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scott_Ritter
look if if if I were planning the the hoodie attack and they're smarter than I am with theirs um this is exactly the
the the ratio that that that I want I want to fire the cheapest possible
weapon um at the Americans or or their their Coalition and compel them to
respond with weapons that are uniformly expensive in nature um and I would do
this again the the hooder smart they know what the magazine Capac capity is
of uh of of of of American ships and they know when they'll reach missile
depletion um and you coordinate that so right around the time that missile depletion is reached you uh you hit with
a saturation attack and um hopefully from a hoody perspective you hit a ship
or two and you sink one um and you just won the war um look there's nothing the
United States can do to to to change what's happened here we would have to f
physically land a 100,000 Marines um on the Yemen soil to to
secure the strait um to physically remove that we don't have 100,000
Marines to land and how are we going to get them that close to shore um you know the former Marine Corps commant when he
took over said that uh you know the the classic way that we're currently configure is a legacy uh system of
amphibious Warfare where we put all the Marines on one big ship and inviting that ship to be sunk um
so and remember this in order to get towards Yemen we have to go into Waters where Yemen can reach us um so this is
this is stupidity in the extreme look we have very capable Naval systems uh don't
get me wrong our our Radars are good our missiles are good but they ain't cheap and they they they can be depleted and
the you the the the hoodie have systems that are basically they're willing to trade off to to achieve this depletion
what we don't know is what Iran has provided the hoodie that the hoodi haven't yet used um the Iranians aren't
stupid and um they they they can provide you know technology packets Etc maybe
the hoody have a missile with a maneuvering Warhead that changes the dynamic um of of of you know Force
protection uh maybe they have a a missile that can fly to near Hypersonic
speeds who knows what they have we don't know maybe they have nothing um but the the point is why are we doing this what
do we hope to achieve we will not open up the Straits we will not the Straits
will be closed to Israeli sh all shipping um and we
can't open it this is the reality you remember how confident the United States was we can keep the straight horror
moves open no you can't the Iranians would shut that thing down forever and
and now you can't even keep the straight open against the Audi you know who lack
you know they have one tenth the capacity of Iran or even less um we're we're in danger of exposing ourselves as
the frauds that we are this carrier battle group is a legacy concept dating back to World War II it has no
application in Modern Warfare today whatsoever none um you think the hoodie
are afraid of American airplanes dropping American bombs hell they've been doing that since 2014 the Saudis
have been flying American airplanes dropping American bombs using American intelligence it ain't going to change anything because now the the airplanes
take off from a from an aircraft carrier except that it's going to be easier for the hoodie to Target that aircraft
carrier um this is stupidity in the extreme what happens when we exhaust our
missiles and we have to return to Port rotate in another aircraft carrier
who's paying for this remember how we complained how the carrier battle groups that are operating in the Mediterranean
we didn't have a budget uh they were eaten in into their own you know training budget and everything to sustain this I think there was a you
know I think that that problem's been resolved but this is very expensive very expensive to accomplish what the carrier
battle group simply can't win anything oh it would cost team Biden highly it'll
be fatal to us because we're not going to win we're not going to win it's going to be yet another embarrassment and as
we continue to fail globally all we do is Empower other nations to step up you know we want to maintain the pre you
know the concept the perception of American strength and we we hope to build upon that perception to deter
people from doing just what the hoody are doing but the hoodie are exposing the whole thing as a lie this is why
it's very dangerous to have allowed this to come to this because now if we don't
act we're damned if we do damned if we don't if we don't act the hoodie have just showed every
other half-baked power in the world that you give give them a couple missiles and everything they can shut things down and
there's not anything America can do about it anymore if we react we're going to
lose and and and and and and the consequences of losing here are immense
because what happens if Iran decid what happens if we end up drawing the Iranians because Audi have said things
such as you attack us Saudi oil production ceases to
exist oops um what do we do about that um what happens when they take out the
Arab United Arab Emirates oil production are we going to take out Iran's oil production then Iran's going
to take out every American installation in the Middle East and then what I mean
see see we're heading towards stupid quicker than can possibly imagine um no
nobody's thinking through the consequences of American chess beating we're America we can deploy a carrier
battle group so what no one cares anymore no one's losing any any sleep
about an American carrier battle group two or three we the world doesn't care anymore because it's an irrelevant
military force so you drop bombs so what they've
adapted to it they've all gone underground you know I mean learn from
Hamas 6,000 American bombs have come Plus have come down on Hamas and they're
still kicking hezbo is even deeper underground you ain't G to even get a spot of dirt to come off their little
bunker by bombing them and they've got tunnels that reach deep inside Israel people don't know that and they're going
to come screaming out of those tunnels and you know and the hoodie you're not
gonna beat the hoodie you're literally not they can't invade America so we're
not worried about that we should you I mean so what are we doing trying to go
to war against them they're shutting down the street for what reason because of Israel's ongoing
genocide against the Palestinian people it's let me let me this Scott and what they said
was they're doing it because of the refusal to allow food and humanitarian
stuff allowing food and humanitarian supplies in that's all they ask for
right they didn't say you got to end it they want to end it here's the question is that too much to they're their
request is in no way an unreasonable request the world looks at what what's
going on and that standoff and says what they're asking for is fairly reasonable are you willing to let's face it the
direction we're going because uh through the Red Sea all this stuff from China from the East goes through the Red Sea
to where to Europe Europe is the one the EU is they're going to their economy
will be wiped out if this keeps going so the question is are you willing to wipe
out the economy of Europe rather than simply allow humanitarians of supplies into Gaza it's Madness Scot it's more
than Madness because again think of what we're why we're doing this we're doing this because Israel wants to kill
Palestinians let's just be straight up here there is no military strategy for Israel anymore they can't win against
tamas they've already proven and Americans told them you got to shut this thing down come the end of the year okay
you gotta transition to another mode of operation uh so what's Israel doing between now and the end of the year
simply slaughtering as many Palestinian civilians as possible that's it it's
genocide and we're the ones enabling it we're going to veto another un uh effort
to bring about a ceasefire a ceasefire we say no let the Israelis kill as many Palestinian because it's not about
defeating Hamas it's literally about slaughtering Palestinians the hoodie have said we
want that to come to an end we need humanitarian good so America is going to
sacrifice everything everything because we're going to lose I'm just telling you straight up we're going to lose we're
sacrificing everything for what for what if we just because we're not going to
solve the maritime crisis that's taking place in the Red Sea right now it ain't going away it could go away if we just
told Israel to stop now we've made a decision it's a Despicable decision but we've made a decision that we're going
to let Israel we've greenlighted Israel's ability to slaughter thousands
of Palestinians as part of their Collective punishment because right now Israel is only after Revenge they're
simply trying to tell the Palestinians you can never let a Hamas thing like this happen again because Hamas will not
be defeated Hamas will always be there so what Israel is saying is we're g to make sure you understand the price you
paid is so high that if Hamas ever says hey we want to do that again you say no
that's the Israeli objective um it won't work because the Palestinian people are like we're all behind this stuff now um
so we're going to sacrifice everything to appease Israel because that's what this is about what it tells you is the
control that Israel has over the American domestic political reality Israel controls everything we're not a
sovereign state anymore Israel literally has bought the American Congress and bought the American presidency uh and
bought the American establishment where's the American Media you know I was always one of those people that sort
of got a little uneasy when people would put up the uh you know the the the the the list of you know Med media Moguls
and America and talked about how many of them were Jewish and how many had links to Israel I'm like oh God that's a
little anti-semitic don't you think not anymore because the Silence of the American Media is deafening the American
Media is standing by and allowing Israel to commit genocide and they're not doing a damn thing about it this should be at
the top of everybody's this should be the lead story they should be calling out the hypocrisy of the Biden Administration they should be condemning
Benjamin Netanyahu they should be condemning Israel but they can't because Israel owns them Israel owns everything
um and so America is going to be sacrificed on the altar of Zionism on
the altar of this Israeli State it's mind B because it's stupid
it's counterproductive it nothing good comes from this this is all about assuaging the ego of Benjamin Netanyahu
the world's most evil man today there's nobody in the world more evil than
Benjamin Netanyahu and he's an American friend he's an American Ally we're going to let him kill as many Palestinians as
possible this is Christmas I hope Amer every American listening looks in the mirror in pukes because that's what you
should do when you look at your reflection because you're an American you stand for nothing except the death of so many people we suck as a country
we have become so far off course it's not even funny and we can't even you would hope garland that there would be
people around Joe bid because let's look at this in the proper context to show you the stupidity and the insanity of
what's going on here Joe Biden is an American politician he wants to run for presidency you know reelection in
2024 do you think a war with Yemen that's gonna shut down oil production
collapse remember James Carville it's the economy stupid it was true when he told it to Bill Clinton back in the
early 1990s as it is today it's the economy Americans will vote based upon the economy not by National Security in
the Middle East we don't get there's a handful of American Jews that say Israel's so important but the most of
Americans they don't care they go the way they're told to go they're compliant sheep ba ba black sheep head to
slaughter all you want but the point is you know somebody's got to tell him that if
the economy collapses and it will collapse because of this you ain't getting reelected so what you might want to do
is a policy that seeks to keep the economy afloat the other thing is if you're going to be a wartime president
because there's a lot of people saying that Biden in order to get reelected is going to have to redefine himself as a wartime president when the damn War the
American Military can't win a war today I'm just just putting it out there look how impotent we
are the hoodie are GNA beat us okay the hoodie are going to beat us not because
they're going to invade America not because they're going to do because we can't beat them America can't beat
anybody anymore hell I don't even know if we could invade Gren not anymore you know that was Ronald Reagan's big thing
uh I don't think we can replicate that Victory we damire can't do the Gulf War over again 1991 we can't put 750,000
people on the ground with all that air power and power and and do that we can't replicate what we did in 2003 and invading Iraq we can't replicate what we
did in Afghanistan we weren't able to sustain 5,000 troops in Afghanistan we're gonna have to withdraw from Syria
and Iraq because it's unsustainable we got 100,000 troops in Europe we can't put any more there because we can't afford it we don't we can't do any we
spend nearly a trillion dollars a year on our defense budget a trillion dollars a year and we can't do anything again
America how stupid are you to let this continue why do you let Congress
continue to vote for these budgets when every budget the more money we put in the weaker we get because we are a very
very weak Nation we can't beat the
hoodie I I did want to before we go I did want to ask you about the the rubble fighting in um Gaza you know we see a
lot of uh video coming out of there um but one of the things haret now has
actually started covering the true number of casualties that uh Israel
suffering um it appears you know because I'm watching Israel and like every week there'd be like yeah we lost three guys
this week and some guy twisted his ankle other than that we're fine and I'm like yeah it seems a little low I'm watching
videos of some guy heave a grenade in front of 11 guys and they're all you
know they they're all getting wounded and you tell me you've only had you know three casualties this week right and
they're all back they just had minor Band-Aids put on their fingers where they had hang nails and they went back
into the to defeat the enemy okay one of the hospitals they went to just one had
a thousand casualties and now so and they tell us that's all they've had since the beginning of the war another
one had 700 another hospitals all over the place right um it appears the numbers are
considerably higher they're hiding the numbers of casualties and we're constantly seeing videos
wherein the um fighters from Hamas are having some level of success what are
your thoughts about what's going on the number of casualties how long Israel can keep anyway your thoughts about what's happening in the in the so-called Rubble
fighting of Gaza well I said from the very start that um
Hamas created this battle they knew what was going to happen the whole purpose of taking hostages and bringing them back
into Gaza was to lure Israel into this Hamas knew that Israel was going to bomb
the civilians why because Israel has that dya strategy um that's what they do
Hamas knew about the artificial intelligence gospel uh hbar strategy
that basically says you know here's a building we assess 2.3 Hamas casualties
if you drop a bomb on it we also assess three 00 civilians but we don't care B them anyways because we're the Israelis
we're the worst people in the world right now we are literally the worst People Israel is the worst nation in the
world right there's no Nation worse than Israel because they are literally a nation dedicated to committing genocide
against the Palestinians and Hamas knew that this was going to happen Hamas knew that they had 500 kilometers of uh of
tunnels they've designed these Tunnels for this very fight again you have to
respect this because the Hamas plan on October 7th was so well planned uh so
much good intelligence that you have to understand that they don't do things halfast this isn't guesswork on their
part this is a deliberate plan of action they're bringing them into a fight that Hamas wants to take place it's not like
Hamas is going oh my God they're here what do we do hamash is going they're here we brought them here now let's
Implement our plans Hamas knows that Israel will find tunnels that's why they
seal them off notice when Israel finds a tunnel it's they hit a dead end they can't they can't get into the rest of
the network because the M went oh they discovered a tunnel shut it down boom bam done um they built their system that
way they have duplication of effort um they knew that Israel was going to collapse the infrastructure down on top
that is a huge detriment to to the Israelis because now their Mobility is going to be channeled U infantry isn't
going to be able covers effectively if you study these Hamas videos these guys are using the rub to Advantage look at
the angles of attack if you're an Israeli operating walking around looking
all you see is collapsed buildings Hamas now is in a little crevice and they're looking through a hole looking through a
hole looking through a hole getting the Israeli tank and using that single line
there to hit the Israeli tank you can't defend against that you literally cannot defend against this Hamas has tunnels
that come up everywhere and once they're they're in the rubble they're in there turning the rubble into hard defensive
positions they are preparing ad ambushes in advance uh this is a never- ending
problem the Israelis then Retreat out of the urban areas and create these you know they bring in the bulldozers and
they and they scrape away these bmed defensive positions and then Hamas pops up in a tunnel in the middle of it and
runs out there and kills a bunch of Israelis um this is a death by a Thousand Cuts this is the battle Hamas
wanted to fight um are they taking losses yeah I can guarantee you this though
Israel's you know Israel we're in a situation it's almost Vietnam like where
you know we become so obsessed in Vietnam to body counts that we kill an entire Village and we call it via Kong
you know yeah we killed 900 confirmed via Kong Kia no you just killed 900 old
men women and children you didn't kill 900 okay but the Israelis right now are killing every every Palestinian male of
a certain age that gets killed as a Hamas Fighter um no I think Hamas has lost
several hundred Fighters they have like I mean between them and the other ones like 880,000
so there's a lot of guys left to fight and die and Israel doesn't have enough
troops to do this I I you know the amount of dead we know that the Israelis
suppressed the figures early on up in uh against Hezbollah how do we know that because an Israeli doctor went into the
refrigerated morg opened it up and said [Music] boom there's more bodies in here just
this morg than what Israel's admitted to losing right here but they're not counting these bodies yet because it's
too demoralizing the Israelis are in one of these it's like why do the ukrainians lie about their numbers because if the
truth gets known morale will collapse so the Israeli government has made a strategic decision to suppress casualty
figures um so that they don't collapse the morale the support of
the Israeli people um I don't know what the true Israeli casualties are I do know that the the numbers that they put
out don't uh don't Jive against the the video evidence now there's no guarantee
first of all a lot of the explosions we see on these Israeli tanks are reactive armor um so you're going to get a nice
big explosion isn't necessarily resulting in a Mobility kill or or even a damage so it's you know there the
likelihood is many of these explosions aren't you know achieving a hard kill and the troops inside are surviving
intact maybe a little shooken up going to have headache and uh you know hearing loss but you're going to be okay so you
can't just sit there well because they hit all this all this is happening no these tanks are good tanks they're
survivable tanks uh they're they're designed to do this but they are losing a lot more tanks than they this is why
they had to stop selling reselling their old am OFA 3 tanks um that they were going to sell to Morocco and others they
had to keep them because they have to organize new Reserve armor Battalion to make up for the losses that they're
suffering uh in Gaza but the now this fight's turning into an infantry fight and the Israeli infantry just isn't up
to the task um I'm not you know I'm an
old fat man thousands of miles away from the battlefield so I'm not going to sit here and pretend that I could do it any better than the Israelis when I was
younger I could do it a hell of a lot better and so could my Marines um these guys aren't very good uh Russian people
who you know Russian commanders who fought in Mario F and bakut are looking at the Israeli tactics that they're
using and they're saying if they took this up against a real army they'd all be dead um you know but they're not
fighting real they're fighting hamash it's a different kind of fight but these these aren't very good soldiers they're
not they they don't have the discipline they can't how can you be let's just put it this way if you're a 23y old
major you ain't very good you're right okay major should be around you know oh
3 35 you know so that's a whole another decade of experience you need to have before you're a major um if you're a
19-year-old Sergeant you ain't very good at all when I was in I'll say this in
law enforcement when I got became Captain I was 36 and I was the youngest
captain in the state of Maryland of all of the you know various police departments that the state has I was the
youngest one I got major at 38 and that was fairly young right
because it takes a lot of years just to know for one thing all the policies and procedures what happens if this happens
you you can't like hold on let me go get the manual you have to know oh if this
happens notify this person do this call this person people are going to look at you this happened what do we do you have
to know that stuff you know wrote memory right you ain't going to learn that in a couple years so even in law enforcement
you're not going to find a bunch of captains and Majors running around even in their late 20s usually it's their
late 30s the guys are going to have some gray starting to show up here before you start seeing those oak leaves and and
train tracks start to show up on they're collared right so they're you can call
somebody a major but when you just stick them out there and of course in the rubble let's be honest if we're fighting
in the rubble and I'm Hamas I'm looking for oak leaves and Stripes I'm looking
for for the guy in that kind of environment I'm looking for the people with rank to shoot first well you know
why they have Majors that are 23 years old because look I got promoted to
Captain when uh I was 208 years old okay one thing I learned
to become a Captain is that the answer is Staff Sergeant you first thing hey C
what about this good question staff sergeant hey gunny come here what's the
answer to that question you know because you I'm just 28 I I may have captain
rank but you know I don't know I mean I was honest enough to say I don't know
gunny staff sergeant Sergeant Corporal Lance corporal somebody come and help me
please because I don't know the answer but that's okay because I had experienced Marines who didn't come in
and say hey Captain this is this is what we think and then I would sit there and think about it and come up with a with
an answer but um what these what's happening with these they don't have that they don't have Gunner they don't have you know 15year
Gunnery sergeants they don't have 10e staff sergeants um they got 19-year-old sergeants so what that means is the
tasks that would be assigned to these experienced ncos in the American system have to be assumed by officers so they
have Majors 23y old Majors doing the work of a staff sergeant um it's a
totally screwed up system there were there officers there's saying this is the leadership ethic of the Israelis no
it ain't it's called stupidity it's called a conscript Army it's called what happens when you don't have a
professional Army and just keep in mind that the vast majority of these Israelis out there fighting are young kids with
no military experience these aren't guys that have been in the military for 10 years 15 years who've been there done it
got a couple T-shirts these are guys this is their first experience and they're not trained well they didn't go
I saw a comment in there about a guy saying I lived at you know I I was staging at Fort Hood but I lived at 29 Palms where he lived at Fort or um he
talked about reforger the the reinforcement of of forces in Germany that's an exercise that we did during
the Cold War where we would literally every year or sometimes twice a year uh fly 10,000 soldiers out to join up a
preposition pre-positioned equipment and within less than 12 hours of Landing
they were in the field with their equipment going through combat drills because that's the way we had to fight with the Soviets coming across the
border you had to land jump in and go be ready to fight now and the only way you could do that is by training training
training training 247 you didn't even become good at for re forger I would ask this guy to ask me that were you good
the first time you did reforger no why because it was all new you're going Christ this is difficult I don't
understand what's going on you only became good at reforger about the fourth time you did it when you went okay I
know what to expect I can anticipate I can I my brain's not going to get bogged down I can boom and suddenly things are
working the way they're supposed to work that was the whole purpose of it but former forgers meant that you were in
for you know two three four years before you became good at it Israeli conscripts
in for two and a half years half of that time spent just getting basic training they aren't good at anything they're not
good at anything and I'm just saying that with all seriousness they suck they they they're good at beating up girls
beating up 10-year-old boys breaking Arms shooting old men but they're not good at War they're not good at at all
you can't even be good at tank operator think about that who's driving the damn murk of a
tanks guys have' been driving for 10 years no guys they got straight out of armor school and now they're in a Murk
of a tank in one of the most demanding environments in the world they don't know how to use cover they don't know
anything about what they're doing they're coming in there scared scared scared bam they get hit now what do they
do where's their infantry support did they practice that tactic half the people out out there that have worked with the American Tank infantry team
knows what happens the first time you go out there and you try to work with the Bradley and dismounted guys you screw it
up badly you lose every time why because the enemy is gonna kick your ass because
you don't know what you're doing but then you take that loss you come back and you talk about it you say okay hey
rather than you guys deploying here and getting overextended and me coming in without you here okay we're going to
come in get that guy deployed first okay you got that field of fire come in here boom okay get the fire ression down okay
now move in now do this now you're thinking tactically it takes a long time to do that these Israelis don't think
tactically plus they're emotion-driven when your strategic purpose is to inflict pain on the Palestinians that's
what you're doing these Israelis are more intent on making Tik Tok videos showing them desecrating mosques burning
schools embarrassing humilating Palestinian W than they are focused on the actual business of War if you're not
I I was told I'll just leave this I had a Marine Captain once uh dried me from I
took a ride from Washington DC back to quanico as we're driving there we're talking and he's like you know you're
gonna be a career Marine I'm like it looks like it and you're like okay hey what do you see out here and I'm driving through and this beautiful land of
Northern Virginia I I don't know uh you know some hills town he goes you ain't a
professional Warrior yet he goes when you look at that I want you to see you know the best route up the hill where
the covering fire position is I want you to be looking at You Know cover concealment you have to be thinking this
every time you go we told that same thing with firefighters you know I was drive through with my firefighters in
town I'd say what do you see oh street I said no no no you have to see single wall construction you have to see this
you have to look in there and see the car are there are there children's toys out in the front yard so if you show up
are there going to be kids in that house um you know is there evidence of animals
um I mean you got to look at this kind of stuff when you got to you got to think firefighting where's the fire
hydrant what's my best approach so I don't block the ladder coming in you know where the lines you if you're not
thinking like that you're not a professional as a marine I literally to this day I look at everything from a
perspective of tactical Advantage operational logistical sustainability because I was trained that way these
Israelis they don't think like that they don't think like that at all they're not very good at what they do and Hamas
lured them into a trap of their own making andas is kicking the living snot out of them um I I also think that
something's important here and that is one of the thing one of the reasons
the US is a military is not dominant anymore is technology you know uh uh uh
uh now small state actors right um the Hezbollah non-state actors excuse me the
H houi which are questionably whether they're State actors have the ability to get their hands on missiles that can
take out a five billion 13 billion dollar aircraft carry it minimum disable it right the fact that very people
without a lot of money without a lot of power they've I put it like this here's what they've learned from Ukraine
Ukraine did Us in they watched that and they've learned something hell drones
are cheap the Russians were spending all of this money on kenal missiles and all this stuff at the beginning and they're
like well hell for one of these missiles we can make about 5,000 of these little
deranian drov and hit everything we can take out everything so the lessons that
have been learned from the Ukraine conflict are the weaknesses of a big
Empire of the big bodybuilder who can bench 500 pounds but he's so slow that
the little guy runs around in circles of 50 times and he tries to chase the guy and he passes out because of exhaustion
he swings at the guy the guy's over here there and all it is the big hulking Behemoth the um uh our tank it's too big
the M1 the abrs or whatever it's too big it's too heavy and it burns too much
fuel everything we got is too big too heavy too overweight and people are like
well I can take that tank out with a $5,000 drone I'll do that you know what I mean the lessons that have being
learned Ukraine is the worst conflict ever for the US it kind of ended us because everybody learned how to defeat
us well you know when you talk about the the guy who can [ __ ] 500 pounds hey G
in used to be able to bench 500 lounds what were the guy is where the guy you know I don't know in college football if
you made certain benchmarks on your on your bench press you got the shirt you know you got the 300 pound Club I never
made it um I couldn't put up 300 sorry but um you know but there are guys who
did that and then all that stuff so we're the guy that's wearing the 500 pound shirt I've been F but we're we're
we're we get in there and we wear the shirt and we we're the guys that start warming up and we get to two you know
225 and then we start going over and talking to people we don't go back to the bench but we wear that 500 lb shirt
as if we can do it still we can't bench 500 pounds today can't do it we can't bench 300 pounds today uh we may be able
to put two and a quarter up that's it that's all we got we're not that person anymore um that's that's the reality and
it's it's it's embarrassing the American public should demand more of their of
their budget we put so much money I mean again a trillion dollars a year for what
we don't need these aircraft carriers they are just the stupidest weapon
system in the world today you know the Russians have learned a lot of things
their Black Sea Fleet what was you know what brought down the Black Sea Fleet I mean it's not been brought down but what
what humbled it um underwater drones you know we keep
talking about the hoodie air drones coming in what happens when the hoodie say say Okay flood the Eisenhower battle
group right now send 150 drones in and they're out there firing their missiles doing their whole thing the battle
staff's doing that and go ahead and launch 20 underwater drones at them as well and all also it's like holy cow we
got under routed drones they just hit they breach the carrier down carriers down
um and it didn't cost the hoodie anything to do if you don't think the hoodie have underwater drones you don't
know anything about the hoodie um the Russians have learned from this you know what the Russians are getting ready to
deploy they're building their own underwater drones when you look at them they're almost a exact replica of the
British designed drones that the ukrainians using against them because the Russians went that was a pretty
effective concept we're gonna borrow that one we're gonna improve on it we're gonna make it a better weapon system and
they have this technology sharing thing with the Iranians right now and I'm sure the Iranians right now are going thank
you for that blueprint we're going to be producing our own version of this and the Iranians are going to the hoodie hey
here's some blueprints let's show you how to do this and the hoodie have industrial things underground and they're cranking those things out guys
this is It's game set match our military is too expensive we don't get enough
bank for the buck out of our conventional forces anymore um we don't have I mean at a time when Russia is
bringing in 1,500 guys a day volunteers for the special military operation we're
60,000 short in our recruiting our military is shrinking right now because we can't attract people in America to
join it and you really think they want to join um Navy that's getting sunk an army that can't deploy I mean even the
Marine Corps which traditionally has good recruiting I mean at some point in time the Marine Corps and I'll say this
for the Marines they're very honest and I know the Marine Corps is has said because I I I listen to the former comod
out and listening to this comod out he's telling people we can't do what you want us to do we can't do it we're we're
working for it we're we're striving for it maror got rid of all of its tanks because it was just being too expensive
they got rid of their you know their military police too expensive um because they were trying to create combat power
that could be survivable in a South Pacific environment but today the Chinese would just swamp us and kill us
all scope and scale the Chinese have got so much more and they've taken the
technologies that are designed to defeat our expensive technology their cheaper Technologies can defeat our more
expensive Technologies this is what the hoodie are going to do it's a you know it's it's a form of a hybrid Warfare um
you know where they don't have to mobilize the entire resources of the nation state like we do we literally are bankrupting ourselves to sustain a
military that can't fight whereas the hoodie and everybody else for pennies to a dollar are able to match us and exceed
us because they're not trying to invade us they're just defending their homes they're just defending it's a lot
cheaper just to sit there and say you come to me because a lot of our money goes into power projection but if you
can't project sufficient power what's the purpose in projecting power to begin with if you can't back this up if we
can't tell the hoodie see I'll tell you what I can guarantee a different outcome if the hoodie believed that we could put
750,000 troops on the shore and they wouldn't be doing this right because we
would we could and we would take them out I mean that's just the reality but
we can't anymore so they're not afraid of it we can't sustain a meaningful
ground presence in you know the southern Arabian Peninsula anymore let me let me
show you something Scott here's another article we're going to touch Bas on and that's moving us over to uh
uh um the uh uh Europe Germany puts its troops in the line of fire if Putin
attacks NATO B Berlin is moving with unaccustomed speed to station a new armored tank Brigade in Lithuania right
just in case there's a Russian attack so they go on and they say yes sir re 4,800
troops and 2,000 Civ 200 4800 troops and 200 civilians that's going to stop the
Russians from coming over to Horizon here's the good part the conclusion is
that either leopard two replenishment is accelerated because they're having issues with that see uh uh see it says
without an adequate long-term funding plan and without their main leopard to combat system the lithu Lithia Lithuania
bgrade won't even be ready for defense warned this guy who's a retired
colonel in bundes vog the conclusion is that either the leopard two replenishment is accelerated before
deployment or a Panzer Battalion 203 could be sent to Lithuania without their main
battle system okay so they're sending uh 5,000 let's start here a tank
Brigade of 5,000 Germans to stop a Russian army now that's going to have a
million and a half people let's start there two or three days are all dead let
me add this a tank well here's the worst part it's a tank Brigade but they don't
have tanks for them so they're going to send a tank Brigade with no tank
4,800 the best you know what they should give him White Flags the only thing of
any value to 4,800 guys who are trying to stop first of all the Russian army has no intent on invading NATO whatever
the case may be but if they did the only valuable tool you could give to 4,800
guys who are facing 150,000 Russians with no tanks would be a white flag so
that they could hopefully surrender and survive other than that they might as well just run for their lives this is a
s this is madness this is NATO today Scott Ritter well you you you hit it on the on
you know hit the nail on the head on this one um first of all let's just put this in perspective let's just be straight up
they can't deploy a tank Brigade because they don't have a tank Brigade all right so let's just stop
with the nonsense there will be no German tank Brigade there might be something they call an armor Brigade but
as you pointed out there'll be battalions with no tanks um that's not a that's not a tank Brigade that's uh
that's something fake Germany had to cannibalize all of their armor brigades
to get this Battalion that they've sent forward to Lithuania um now they they
they can't produ it's like the British you know the British can't generate an armored Brigade anymore either but let's
say they even de they don't have any ammunition they don't have a logistical sustainability plan um they don't know
how to fight I'm just going to be straight up the Germans drink beer and eat schnitzel that's what they do the
last time a German Battalion as an entity put 90 pounds on their back and did a forc 25 mile March and then were
tested on the objective to accomplish military tasks was never um these are fat guys that aren't motivated to join
the military it's they're they're not half of them don't even want to put the German flag on their shoulder
anymore they're not proud of being German they don't know what it means to be German they join as a job uh they're
not the best in the brightest of the German industry uh these aren't you know these aren't Warriors these aren't
people who join up and say I have the warrior spirit I want to do this these are guys who couldn't get a job elsewhere they drink beer they eat
schnitzel they're fat they're out of shape they can't fight they're a peacetime army they can only maintain
their equipment in the air conditioner warmed Warehouse why don't you go to Ukraine right now in the subfreezing
weather and try and repair that leopard tank Under Fire can't do it because they don't train to do it um the German Army
can't fight and the German Army knows this they know that if Russia I think a
German general just recently said this that if Russia ever decided to make a move they would reach the odor River
before Germany could even knew it because they don't have it you know this
armor Brigade by Doctrine has um an armored I mean artillery Battalion
attached to it 18 18 Garland 18 artillery pieces
they're going to go up against the Russian equivalent you're going to deploy you know 800 artillery pieces
it's over it's finished plus they have no ammunition they've given all their ammunition to the ukrainians so now that
those 18 P are come out and go boom boom boom click and an artillery piece without
artillery ammunition is just scrap metal as is a German Brigade without German
tanks or even with German tanks because the Russians aren't afraid of German tanks anymore they prove that they burn very well
um NATO is literally this empty husk it used to be something it used to be a
genuine military alliance with true military capabilities but it's not that anymore uh they' they've they spend
money on perception not on reality and the the
Russians over the course of the last two years have been dealing with only reality and the Russian military today
is the most capable combat force in the world there's no force that is as good
as the Russians definitely not anything NATO has not even the United States again I just want to point out we
haven't fought this kind of War you know we we we can mock a German Brigade but is an American Brigade any better
Americans like to believe we have qualitative superiority we don't we spent the last two
decades putting everything into fighting the Taliban into fighting Iraqi insurgents the last thing we were
focused on is large scale ground combat in Europe we've lost that ability and
our troops have lost the edge they're not these combat hardened veterans you
know it it even in best case they would have been people who his experience was low intensity conflict do you know that
you if you take troops that are think they're fighting low intensity conflict and you put them into high-intensity
conflict they all die because they don't know how to survive they have they're they're geared to do things totally
different our military can't fight this fight maybe it can in the future if we start spending the money to retrain the
force to re-equip the force to reorganize the force that's very expensive when I was in the Marine Corps
back in the 80s we were in the field all the time doing nothing but live fire maneuver to perfect the skill set we
needed to fight a Soviet enemy our troops don't train like that anymore we don't train like it we have no clue what
would happen if we went to war against the Russians our Communications wouldn't work they would shut everything down we
would find ourselves uh engaged in a DW a drone swarm that we have we don't even
know how to comprehend it yet alone defend from it our we would lose everything overnight literally
everything overnight and um the PE survivors will wake up next morning with zero combat efficiency because the
cohesiveness of their formation was terminated by Russian interdiction Firepower we're not prepared for this
war we don't know how to fight this war our tactics are outdated everything about what we do is outdated and yet
we'll spend a trillion dollars next year just to replicate this same failed
system well and I just look I looked at that article further they want to put one tank Brigade out right and they up
to you know near the infamous SII Gap oh yeah that's going to protect us so we can stop the Russians the Russians they
don't have to rush through they can saunter through we Gap they can just you
know take their time you know drinking a cup of coffee and wander through you've got a tank Brigade that it's going to
take them till 2027 that's the thing about it 5,000
people it will take them till 2027 now you're going to go they're saying oh the
Russians Biden if the Russians went in Ukraine they're coming through right
they're oh they're coming over the over the hills right it's going to take them till
27 to get 5,000 people to the border and they're not even sure if
they're going to have tanks for one tank Brigade that it takes three years to so
the only hope they would have would be if the Russians decided that they were going to come through would be to have a
discussion with them to try to have a you know some kind of a um a a
diplomatic resolution because they've been completely um de de
de uh uh um demilitarized so let me ask you
this where uh uh what I've been reading um Vladimir Putin's been talking a lot
lately and he's been saying you know he basically laughed it off yeah like we really want to come across in the EU what do we want over there you know what
I mean no no thanks we don't want to come in there but basically what I understand him saying now is we're in no
rush these people are wearing down we are going to continue we're putting our
budget together for next year we're adding money to the budget for next year and it seems to me they're starting to
talk about how Ukraine's going to be chopped up it it's obvious to me I don't
know about you they're gonna take Odessa they're gonna take everything they want everything they want it's it appears to
me that the Russians have just decided we're taking the land bridge we're connecting to transn that they've just
decided we're going to keep the weight on this thing till it collapses I mean they're poisoning each other they're
sending grenades to each other they's some kind of internal Civil War already going on in Kiev so all the Russians
have to do is keep the pressure on and just take whatever they want when this damn thing Falls to Pieces because it
looks like the Kiev regime is going to be so busy poisoning and blowing up each other they ain't got time to fight the
Russians nor do they have the ability I think they're going to what they said they want 450,000 more people people I
guess seniors teenagers who have maybe they'll bring their dogs they'll probably call you see if Maverick can
come to the front anyway your thoughts on all of that Scott well if Maverick went to the front
that'd be a GameChanger um so he's the real uh what is it what do they call it
V vas you know wonder weapon he's a vunder weapon yeah he's WAFF vunder
waffin he's a force of nature um look in all
seriousness yeah I mean the Russians again we in the west don't understand this you know who am I to to educate the
west but you guys know this we are Political Animals the the
one of the great weaknesses of western style democracy is the electoral cycle
um and the fact that we the electorate we aren't a patient people we want what
we want now and if you don't give it to us now we vote you out and we vote
something somebody in who will give it to us now so we operate in very short
Cycles twoyear Cycles four-year Cycles we want things quickly done uh and within that two-year cycle then we have
to get within the six-month cycle we need things so take a look at American plans it's always what can we do in the first 100 days what can we do in the six
months in a year what did what did the Russians just say we're we're adopting a
strategic Victory budget U that takes us uh into 2025 up to
2027 you mean you guys are thinking forward years many many years uh yeah
but aren't you worried about elections nah not worried about them we're GNA have stability we're going to do this
we're doing it patiently right now America everybody's saying what can Joe Biden do to influence a 2024 election
that's that's our entire that's defining it and if you're letting a political cycle Define your National Security
strategy then you are going to lose every single time because you know Russia has reared its defense industry
for the long term the reason why we're not producing enough ammunition for the ukrainians is that we're not willing to
make that long-term investment we're sitting there going how can we crank it out but we don't want to change things
because that would requir us us to explain the American voter why we're spending money on this that and the other thing instead of you know what
we're doing and lying to you and deceiving you da we're screwed our system is screwed we can't do it the
Russians are it's strategic patient strategic patience they just have to wait
us after a while is the 50 km perh speed control