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Thousands of people from Liberia, Sierra Leone&Ivory Coast are losing their homes&livelihoods.Ghana is currently destroying refugee camps in the capital Accra.ZOOM,April 1. 5pm (7pm) with those affect

Autorenbild: Wolfgang LieberknechtWolfgang Lieberknecht

Ghana 5 pm, Germany 7 pm:

Ghana is in the process of demolishing the Buduburam refugee camp for 8,000 people in the capital Accra. 60 per cent of the buildings have already been demolished. Work is set to continue after Easter.

We talk about the events and their background and the prospects of the people who are losing their homes and livelihoods. You can take part via ZOOM, Monday 1 April, 5pm. Dennis Gwion, one of the founders and representatives of the camp and Mathew Davis, who organised a school in the camp and has already returned to Liberia.

Refugees from Liberia, Sierra Leone and the Ivory Coast have been living in the camp. They have all fled civil wars. The chiefs of the region and the Ghanaian government had made the land available to them. The civil war in Liberia, where most of the people come from, lasted intermittently from 1989 to 2003. 150,000 to 250,000 people lost their lives in it. Half of the population was forcibly displaced. Liberia is now calm, although poverty and unemployment are rampant. Many of the refugees are ready to return to Liberia, but some are now rooted in Ghana. What can our one human family do to support the people?

Videos taken in the last two weeks by employees of the former school of Mathew Davis, with whom we at the PeaceFactory Wanfried have been associated for years.

Destruction of the refugees' accommodation.

The woman has suffered a stroke due to the destruction and is supported by others.

She died because she was sleeping when they destroyed her house; a Ghanaian woman who lived in the refugee camp.

In the media - even in Ghana - there is little or no coverage, let alone in the international media. After all, mobile phone cameras and the internet give us more opportunities today to shed light on what is happening to those who are in the dark of this world.

Link to the event:, Monday, 1 April 2024, 5 pm, Ghana, Germany 7 pm



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