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US aircraft carriers warn: If you want to stop Israel's mass murder, it will look like it does now in Gaza: The question facing our human family is: How do we disarm the US-empire?

Autorenbild: Wolfgang LieberknechtWolfgang Lieberknecht

What are your, our answers? Abolishing the veto of the imaginary superpower as heir (and partner) of the European empires is necessary, but not sufficient. If the UN Security Council does not co-operate, the USA will strike without the UN, as it did in Yugoslavia and Iraq. They are showing the world what Mao once analysed and unfortunately could not be overcome with the founding of the UN: Power still comes from the barrels of guns! And US-Americans have the most of them! And they are prepared to use them ruthlessly. The opposition to this policy of violence in the USA has so far been too weak, even if it is now growing stronger in view of the horror images from Gaza.

When UN Secretary-General Boutros Boutros Ghali from Africa spoke out in favour of building a UN army that would stand above all nations, he was vilified in the USA and lost his post: the USA should never subordinate itself to such a power. The USA had thus cancelled the project. But we must take up this idea again in order to disarm the US empire. (WL)



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